
27 Mar 2015

Making the Cut for implantation

Dental implants are one of the devices that have been touted as effective for your oral health needs. They are titanium screws put into your gums as foundation for either a crown or a denture by merging with the jawbone. Still, earning that nod for a London dental implant requires a thorough examination with your preferred dental practitioner, and there are some factors to watch out for.

Jawbone Strength 

The chief requirement for a dental implant is for the patient to have ample jawbone mass for the implants to meld with. An X-ray scan enables the dentist to analyse the level jawbone available. The lack of sufficient jawbone can render the patient ineligible, but on the other hand, the dentist can graft parts of other bones to compensate for lack of mass at a critical juncture. 


The state of the gums is another vital factor to the success of a dental implantation. For instance, the gums themselves should not have receded when looking at other teeth. Periodontal disease is also a problem as they compromise the stability of the gums prior to implantation or even make the procedure impossible to perform at all.  

Intrinsic Conditions 

A record of your overall welfare cannot be overlooked if you are seeking implants. Some dentists say that lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as being diagnosed with diabetes, will affect the body’s natural healing abilities.


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