
27 Feb 2015

Damon Braces: Teeth Straightening in Less Time

Wearing braces causes some discomfort, and patients wearing these traditional braces would often be encouraged to look past the awkwardness and the temporary discomfort for what awaits them at the end of the treatment: Straighter and prettier set of teeth. In other words, a great reason to smile more openly.

Fortunately, people today who seek  teeth straightening solutions don’t need to suffer through the painful “train tracks”.  Many cosmetic dentists are now offering Damon Braces, one of the latest of more comfortable ways to wear braces.

Damon Braces in a Nutshell

Damon System braces are fixed cosmetic orthodontic braces that uses low friction mechanics since these are self-ligating, meaning they don’t require ligatures to attach wires to the brackets. Instead, the brackets themselves have a component which enables them to keep themselves attached to the wire. With the low friction mechanics of the Damon System braces, there would be fewer appointments to visit your dentist for the device exerts less force on your teeth. This advantage makes this new system more comfortable and efficient. You get to wear this braces for a shorter period, yet would yield the same results as traditional braces.

Is it Worth it?

Investing on Damon Braces would definitely give you your money’s worth. Other than being very comfortable, these braces also look better; two thirds of the brackets are made of tough ceramic material that won’t stain easily or show signs of wear and tear.


I got damon braces system and I'm getting my metal braces off early.

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