Dental implantation is
considered the best restoration procedure for chronic teeth loss because it
uses materials that function just like natural teeth. Not everybody, however,
may qualify for it. There are certain conditions that may impair the
effectiveness of the implant.
gums are a pre-requisite for this procedure, so it may not be recommended for
young people whose gums have not yet reached maturity. Chronic systemic
problems that cause weak gums such as periodontal disease, hemophilia,
leukemia, cancer, and certain diseases on the connective tissues may hamper
also not advisable for alcoholics, chain smokers, drug-dependents, those with
severe cases of bruxism, and those who’ve been exposed to high doses of
radiation, specifically on the head area as these lower the chances of a successful
implant. It also may not be for people who lack bones to which the implant can anchor.
Thank you so much for this write up. It's been awhile that i have been thinking to implants. Then through Dentzz Review came across this video of where a patient from Australia shares her experience to get the best treatment. I am really concerned about my teeth and want to go through and know as much before taking the big decision.
Nice content thanks for sharing buddy, many people will find this content useful. I had done my dental implant a while a back and now I am really comfortable with the ceramic crown.
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