Teeth can be lost through various ways—cavities, as
part of aging, or accidents. A lost tooth can be problematic both for cosmetic and
functional reasons; you’d be embarrassed to smile and chewing can be difficult.
Thankfully, there are effective dental solutions available for those with
missing teeth.
Cosmetic dentists can either replace your teeth with a
implant, a bridge, or a denture. Dentures are the simplest option; a
dentist creates an impression of your mouth and uses it to create a framework
that supports the artificial teeth. These dentures can either be partial
replacements or a complete replacement of an entire set of teeth. Although
dentures are affordable and removable (considered as benefits by many), they do
call for considerable maintenance and have a tendency to awkward pop out,
especially if they don’t fit a person well.
Bridges are a step up from dentures, however, they can
be limited in their use. This is because they require the missing teeth or
tooth to be between two existing teeth; bridges use these teeth to support the
false teeth. The existing teeth are capped with dental crowns that are attached
to the replacement teeth, allowing for a more uniform appearance and stability.
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