
6 Jan 2015

Cosmetic Braces: Which One is Right for You?

For many, a perfect set of gnashers is the secret to having a perfect smile. Unfortunately, not everyone can lay claim to such a blessing and will have to work for it.

A combination of good dental habits and regular dental visits can do the trick for some, while others have to consider orthodontic devices like what One Direction member Niall Horan did. The heartthrob gained a megawatt smile with the help of cosmetic braces. If you wish to follow in his footsteps, here are the top options to consider:


What do wearers of traditional metal braces often complain about? They mostly make a fuss about them being too noticeable. This is exactly the issue that Invisalign solves. As braces made of clear plastic, Invisalign is less conspicuous than other conventional orthodontic options.

Another benefit of these aligners is that you can take them off when you eat. You can enjoy as much fish and chips as you want without worry. A bit of a downside is that you have to wait at least a year to see results.

6 Month Smiles

6 Month Smiles are clear braces like Invisalign, but the main difference is that they take as short as six months for the effects to kick in. With this option, however, you’ll have to follow a strict diet during the course of the treatment. It’s recommended that you steer clear of foods and drinks with high sugar and acid content.


Thank you so much for this write up. It's been a while that i have been thinking to put on braces. I searched for dentist india to get the best treatment. I am really concerned about my teeth and want to go through and know as much before taking the big decision.

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